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App Perf Monitor

Real-Time Application-Layer Performance Analyzer for Mobile Data Networks

Project Description
Current network monitoring tools are limited to measuring performance at the network-layer. This project proposes a novel performance monitoring system to carryout real-time performance measurement at the application-layer. The proposed system has three novel features. First, it supports the definition of application-layer monitoring modules which incorporate the performance requirements of specific applications such as video streaming in measuring their performances. Second, it implements a novel bottleneck-analysis module which can analyze TCP flow data to determine the actual bottleneck (e.g., the Internet source or the radio network) for mobile operator to follow-up. Third, we extend the application performance monitor so that multiple monitoring nodes can be installed in various segments of the network to correlate and compare traffic characteristics as they traverse throughout the network, thus enabling the analysis of potential choke points within the network infrastructure. Being one of the world leaders in networks and communications, Hong Kong has always been on the forefront of leading-edge mobile services. The advanced monitoring tool proposed in this project will equip mobile operators with the necessary insights and tools to bring Hong Kong's mobile data services to the next level, strengthening Hong Kong's position as a leading information hub.

Project Funding
This project is funded by a grant from the Innovation and Technology Fund, Innovation and Technology Commission, HKSAR Government.

PI: Prof. Jack Lee
Co-I: Prof. W. C. Lau


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